A Terrifying Terrarium for Carnivorous Plants

No bones about it, you’re going to really dig this vivarium with a voracious appetite!

This terrifying terrarium is Day 82 on The Pretty Spooky 100 Days Til’ Halloween Countdown, yet it’s also the kind of imaginative DIY that will sneakily blend in to your year ’round decor–that is, if you’re still keeping your spookiness on the down-low.

But, for the rest of us, who creep it real all 365, these tiny tombstones, on their miniature, mossy mounds, will haunt our homes well-past Halloween. Glass globes, decorative gravel, moss, and lichens are plentiful at most craft stores–any time. And depending on your climate, orchid moss, Venus fly traps and pitcher plants might prove difficult to track down in less tropical areas, especially during months that end in an “r”. But, the Spooky season is the only time to amass the macabre miniatures that match those tiny tableaux of nightmarish neighborhoods.

Even though the insect-eating plants are sometimes found neglected in their plastic boxes, they will surely be the only things to survive this grave situation–but, only if they consume a creepy crawly each week. They enjoy occasional mealworm or beetle juice. Hopefully, that doesn’t bug you, too much.

Due to the sometimes delicate condition of these critter-digesters, pre-rinsing the rocks and mosses, reduces potential chemical residues that, presumably, could hinder their health.

For drainage, carefully place the majority of the gravel on the bottom of the globe, saving some to garnish the graveyard, later. Soaking and draining the orchid moss, leaves it moist and supple to receive its green guests. This moss will be the damp, nutritive layer embracing the roots.

Carve out little plots for each of the plants to rest. A spoon is just the right size to get these chlorophyll carnivores into their new digs.

Add the Spanish moss, next, tucking it around the plants and tamping down its tendrils.

Arrange the reindeer moss, lichens, and gravel, leaving space for the cemetery architecture. Chopsticks can be helpful in navigating the tiny accoutrements into place.

Just as this voracious vivarium can be enjoyed in all seasons, it can also be delighted upon either day or night– especially if the scenery is supplemented with lighting. Position battery-operated lights in the globe, to give your graveyard an eerie glow.

These particular ambiance enhancing lights have several settings: flashing, alternating, twinkling, fading, and steady. The fading feature is my favorite.

The wires ensure an airy placement that prevent the bulbs from getting too wet, becoming heavy, or bearing-down on the leaves. For the most pleasing result, the battery pack and on/off switch can be obscured by the gateway. But, keeping it outside the globe makes it most accessible for daily use.

Admire the vivarium in various lighting arrangements. Then, with chopsticks in hand, search out the opportunity for any adjustments or additions.

Like me, you just might find the perfect, last-minute, resting place where a diminutive, deceased, dweller can keep an eye on things. I think I’ll name him… Barry Da’Live.

To show your eerie enthusiasm for this countdown chaos, use the Instagram hashtag: #PrettySpookyHalloweenCountdown

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