Terms, Conditions & Disclaimers

Pretty Spooky (www.PrettySpooky.Life and its author, Angela S. Kelly) has confidence that its audience and readers will make sound decisions, and will take responsibility for their own actions and choices.

  • It’s Pretty Spooky’s goal to provide our readership and audience with safe, affordable fun in the form of unique and unforgettable information and experiences, and to share our creative ideas with our audience and readers. 
  • Any person, individual, or group, who uses the information provided, or takes actions based on the information, that is affiliated with, or inspired by Pretty Spooky, is automatically in agreement, acknowledging that Pretty Spooky will be held harmless, including, but not limited to, any such injury, damage, loss, or claim arising from any services, or information, provided by Pretty Spooky, or its affiliates.
  • By voluntarily partaking in any activities based on information provided by Pretty Spooky , participants are waiving Pretty Spooky of any liability for losses, damages, costs, or expenses associated with, or those which arise during, or result from, the participation by, or services supplied by, Pretty Spooky, or its affiliates.
  • All material, written content, ideas, and images on this site,  its pages, and its links are the intellectual property of Angela S. Kelly, and may not be used, copied, or reproduced, without written consent granted solely by Angela S. Kelly. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Pretty Spooky.Life with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. Request permission (via the Pretty Spooky Contact Form) to utilize information and images on this site for anything other than non-commercial, personal use.
  • The information collected by Pretty Spooky, or its affiliates, is primarily in the form of (but not limited to) internet cookies (which are packets of information that help Pretty Spooky Analytics learn more about the performance of its content, based on anonymous and general information about how, when, and where readers access its content) to help Pretty Spooky provide a better user experience.
  • Readers may voluntarily opt to provide further information to Pretty Spooky in the form of (but not limited to) email addresses, web addresses, or other forms of information, such as opinions and thoughts, via Comments, the Contact Form, or other mode of communication. It is the reader’s responsibility to refrain from providing sensitive personal information in Comments, or other forms communication.
  • Personal information, such as email addresses, collected by Pretty Spooky is not sold, distributed, or communicated to third parties, without your consent (unless legally required, or in the event that Pretty Spooky is wholly or partially acquired by another party).

The terms, conditions, policies, and disclaimers on this page may be amended or changed at the author’s discretion.